Sunday 9 December 2012

Global Citizenship

Global citizenship is a project of the British Council under the program of Connected Classrooms. The project is aimed at  fostering the thinking and facilitating the transformation of citizen in school systems in different prats of the world to Global Citizen.

Though the concept of Global Citizenship has been there for long time, such kind of organised and purposeful practice of facilitating the change in the education system of schools in some selected countries involved in the project.

The major contents of the training include:

  • Exploring Global Citizenship 
  • Intercultural practice 
  • International Learning
  • Partnership Journey

The first step I involved myself was in securing certificates in all the online courses managed by University of London, College of Education.

The second step in the procedure that I involved myself in this project was in taking part in the validation training that took place in Addis Ababa.